Hatta Road
This was taken from a the road going towards Hatta pools. Although we didn’t reached the pools since its getting dark and this road doesn’t have any lights. So we decided to go back before it goes totally pitch dark.
How I took this shot:
Canon 450D
Sigma 10-20mm + Marumi CPL
Post processing:
- Took 3 shots, bracketed using AEB feature of the camera. I used 2 stops +/-.
- Processed it using Adobe Camera raw 5.5
- Opened the 3 images as layers and did some digital blending to correct the exposures
- I also applied tonemapping on the 3 images and applied masking
- Played with some filters in photoshop and add an orange tint, since the sky is blue it gives a greenish effect.
That’s it!
Thank you for dropping by, till next time!