
365 Project : Day 204

I found some of these in our garden in the Philippines so I rushed to get my macro lens and my 580exii speedlite with lumiquest softbox III =)

Gear: Canon 7D + Canon EF 100mm f2.8
Settings: f10 | 1/200 | ISO 100

Post process:

  • Contrast adjustments
  • Dodge and burn

Have a nice weekend!


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One Response

  1. Really great work so far! I found your Project 365 blog looking for 7D stuff. I’ve had mine for a month or so now and love this amazing camera. Your work is taking it to a new level. I’m curious about the dodging and burning you seem to do on a lot of images. Is this something you learned from film or is it specific digital techniques? I ask because your processing is very natural and yet, obviously better than a straight image. Cheers,


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