
365 Project : Day 053

I tried smoke photography tonight… And yes, it’s quite fun.  I was not able to take a lot of shots since my 1 year old niece is hanging around and trying to get my camera 🙂  Anyway, this is something I would want to try again, you can get some amazing results with very minimal efforts.

The setup requires a small table lamp, a black background, incense and a speedlite.

Gear: Canon 7D + Tamron 18-270mm VC
Setting: f6.3 | 1/250 | ISO100

580exii + improvised gobo on both sides zoomed at 105mm @ 1/8th power on camera right
Trigger: Canon 7D’s built in trigger

Post process:

  • Crop the image to get rid of some empty space
  • Applied 4 layers of hue and saturation adjustment layer and masked them individually to get different colors.

PS.  Here is another smoke picture I took:



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4 Responses

  1. Hey Mike, this is a really cool shot. I have been following your 365 with great interest. You are really getting so creative! This shot is awesome and I also really liked your falling shoes. That one got me thinking before I read the description. Great stuff! Also I admire your punctuality and commitment with your posts. I am running about 5 days behind on my 365 as I just don’t find the time or energy to process and post in the evenings everyday and then I see yours and feel so bad…!

    • Jason,

      Thanks man! Very kind words!

      365 is really a commitment… There are times that I’m really dead tired and not feeling well, It’s really tough sometimes… I don’t know somehow I still managed to get a shot and process them… It’s still too early still, 10 more months to go 😀

      And don’t feel bad 🙂 you are doing well on your 365, classic shots! Best of luck for both of us in completing the project 🙂


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