
365 Project : Day 008

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This has been my best friend lately… My daily companion for my 365 Project!  My Lumix LX3 together with its friends, Sandisk Ultra II 8GB SD Card and Gorillapod 🙂

I decided to do some product shoot today and since I have been shooting lately with my point and shoot camera for my 365 Project, I decided to give it some sort of a tribute.  Anyway, some “strobist” practice won’t be bad!  I would love to do more product shoots and some strobe experiments in the future.  And learn more about lighting.

Here is how I took it:

Gear: Canon 7D + EF 100mm f2.8 Macro + Speedlite 430 exii + Speedlite 580 exii

Settings: f7.1 | 1/250 | Speedlite on Manual mode 430exii (1/32)  580 exii (1/8)

Strobist info:
580 exii + shoot through umbrella on the left
430 exii + red gel on bottom right
Triggered by Canon 7D built in flash trigger

Post processing:

  • Pretty much nothing… very slight adjustment on contrast in Camera Raw

Here is my lighting setup: <click here>

That’s it folks!


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4 Responses

  1. Cool…! Hey, we are using the same camera for our 365’s. Mine is the Leica D Lux 4 which I read is the same camera as yours, but re-badged for more money! Great tribute shot as the camera is awesome! This lighting set up look way to complex for me! Great job…

  2. Hey! Really?! that’s cool! D Lux 4 is the expensive version 🙂 hehe! I like the new firmware from panasonic ver2.1, it gives a new scene mode, called dynamic scene mode… when you use this feature, you have an instant HDR! no more bracketing! I really love this cam!

    Glad you like it! The lighting was not that complicated, you just need 2 strobes and some colored gel 🙂

  3. Where do you get your gel from..?

    I never thought about checking the firmware of my Leica until you mentioned it. I was on v1.1 and I see they released v2.2 a couple of weeks ago with the High Dynamic Scene mode. It’s so cool. Thanks, I love my re-badged Panasonic even more now…! 😉

    • That’s good, at least now you can use your dlux4 with its full potential 🙂

      I got the gel from ebay, called rosco gels, they costs around 8 USD and they’ll send you like 12 different colored gels 🙂


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