
Tag : Dubai Inkfest

Fujinon XF 35mm F2.0 Lens Review Dubai, UAE. Michael R. Cruz Dubai Photographer

Fujinon XF 35mm F2.0 Lens Review, Dubai, UAE.

I was actually excited about this lens when I first heard about it. I was interested to see if it’s better than the 35mm f1.4, because that lens – although it’s a “pre-historic” lens in terms of the Fujifilm X series timeline, since it’s one of the first lenses to be released, is in fact my favorite lens. I only had one week to try it out, so I don’t have a one-on-one shoot-out, but I’ll definitely do that soon. […]

Fujifilm XF 1.4X TC WR Teleconverter Review Dubai, UAE. Michael R. Cruz Dubai Photographer

Fujinon XF 1.4X TC WR Teleconverter Review

When I first heard about the Fujifilm 1.4x teleconverter, I had questions about the compatibility and I wondered why it could not be used with any other Fuji lens. I was even hoping I could use this teleconverter with my 56mm f1.2 and make it a 120mm full frame equivalent. Or, better yet, can I use it with the 55-200 lens?  Well, all those questions have been answered as soon as Fujifilm Middle East handed me the XF 1.4X TC WR Teleconverter. […]