

365 Project : Day 192

This is inside the crystal cove island towards the caves.  I was not so happy with the lens flare but I guess it’s not that bad. Gear: Canon 7D + Tokina 11-16 f2.8 Settings: f8.0 | 1/25 | ISO 100 Post process: 3 exposures and digital blending using DRI Dodging and burning Curves adjustments Cheers! /Mike

365 Project : Day 191

This was taken right after we left Crystal Cove Island and back to Boracay Regency hotel where I stayed.  I specifically want to go late afternoon for a nice sunset ride… and yeah, for good pictures too 😀 Gear: Canon 7D + Tokina 11-16 f2.8 Settings: f8.0 |1/80 | ISO 100 Post process: Single ‘Raw’ exposure shot since the boat is moving… Dodging and burning to get some details Curves adjustments to balance out exposure Have a nice day folks! […]

365 Project : Day 190

I took this when I was lying on the beach using a telephoto lens.  Looking at this picture makes me want go back on that crystal clear waters 🙂 Gear: Canon 7D + Tamron 18-270mm Settings: f10.0 | 1/80 | ISO 100 Post process: This is a single exposure shot so no digital blending Curves adjustment for contrast A little bit of dodging Cheers! /Mike

365 Project : Day 189

Another shot from Crystal Cove Island in Boracay.  I wish I own this house, it would be cool to wake up and watch the sunrise and the sunsets sitting on that porch 🙂 Gear: Canon 7D + Tokina 11-16 f2.8 Settings: f8 | 1/25 | ISO 100 Post process: 3 exposure digital blending (DRI) Curves adjustments to balance out the exposure Dodging and burning Cheers! /Mike

365 Project : Day 188

Taken from Crystal Cove in Boracay. I decided to go late afternoon since there’s no people around which is good if you want to capture some nice shots of the place. Gear: Canon 7D + Tokina 11-16 f2.8 Settings: f7.0 | 1/50 | ISO 100 Post process: 3 exposure digital blending (DRI) dodging and burning curves adjustments to balance out the exposure Weekend! /Mike

365 Project: Day 187

I took this shot in Boracay,  in front of Crystal Cove Island.  We had a boat ride and went island hopping.  I took this on the way back to the hotel and I saw this nice golden sunset and it’s a sin not to capture it.  Anyway, time really flies, in a few days, I’ll be back to work! Gear: Canon 7D + Tokina 11-16 f2.8 Settings: f8.0 | 1/30 | ISO 100 Post process: Combined 3 exposures using DRI […]

365 Project : Day 186

It’s been a long time since my last post, that is because I’m on my annual vacation 🙂 This was taken in front of our house in the Philippines.  On this picture is my brother Richmond.  This is a very impromptu shoot, no planning, no concepts; we just thought of having a fun shoot and went for it.  I didn’t bring any lighting gear with me, this was just a 580exii  speedlite with a white bond paper tied to it […]

365 Project : Day 185

This kind of light happens right after the sunset; the sky will have blue and orange mixed and it creates this wonderful color of light.  The sky last like this for only 5 minutes and after that, its gone. Gear: Canon 450D + Sigma 10-20mm Settings: f8.0 | 10 secs | ISO 100 Post processing: Combined 3 exposures using DRI Dodging and burning Curves adjustment for dynamic range Color balance adjustments for the road and railings to correct white balance […]

365 Project : Day 184

This is the view from the balcony of the room I’m staying at Miramar Beach Resort in Fujairah. Gear: Canon 450D + Tamron 18-270mm VC Settings: f8.0 | 1/80 | ISO 100 Post process: Digital blending of 3 exposures using DRI Curves adjustments to remove the ‘haze’ Dodging and burning Adjusted vibrance and saturation Thanks for following 😀 /Mike

365 Projec : Day 183

This was taken on the way to Hatta Pools (although we never reached there).  This is outskirts of the desert, really dry and full of twigs.  I found this cut tree and I thought it convey something interesting.  Anyway, I took 3 shots and this was the one I like best. Gear: Canon 450D + Sigma 10-20mm Settings: f8.0 | 1/15 | ISO 100 Post process: This is a two exposure shot; I blended the -2EV exposure for the sky […]